We undertake the full implementation of unique ideas.
Are you sick of commercial, selling millions of copies produced, uniform, use-and-throw-away by cars?
Do you like the traditional (rat) Hot Rods, or the shiny Street Rods? This is the right place! We build it for you! Whether you have a specific idea or you just feel the urge, we can help. We can make from the preparation of completely unique chassis (conventional or air ride), drive train (engine, transmission), bodywork, interior and painting. You can paricipate in the process in an interactive way, so you can give us your ideas.
Perhaps you like the classic cars, but you do not want to buy an origanal Shelby Cobra? Maybe a SuperSevenet or a Porsche 356? We can build it from KitCar! You may have already bought yourself and started to put together, but do not want to work more on it? We finish the job!
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